People believe that the ones who are skilled in martial arts are excellent fighters. It is true that they do know a lot about fighting and protecting themselves. Often, weapons are needed because the body is the weapon that they use most effectively. The key is, some martial art skills are not designed to immediately put an end to a confrontation and not all of them are practical in a street fight situation. For instance, a grappling martial art, such as Jiu Jitsu. With these, your primary goal is to get your opponent onto the ground and finish the fight with them there. In a real world situation, this may not be the most effective. There could be multiple attackers on you or they could have weapons. So, this brings us to the question of which type is the best type of martial arts for combat fighting or protection?
Many people feel that the first strike is going to be the most effective in a street fight situation. Therefore, you need martial art training that allows you to move quickly and one that teaches you how to stay on your feet. This may include the Fu San Soo or the Krav Maga. Either of these techniques will help you win against any opponent regardless of their size by focusing your energy on their most vulnerable areas. Eyes, throat, and other sensitive areas are all fair game.
Another type of martial arts that may work well is Tae Kwon Do. It focuses on fast strikes and powerful kicks. These two things can help you get in the first and hopefully last blow to any opponent that may challenge you.
However, with all of that being said, the most effective way to handle a fight when you are confronted is to try and finish it quickly using whatever means necessary. That is, if you are not able to get away from the confrontation without a fight.
If you are looking for a combat fighting martial art that uses weapons or allows you to take an opponent’s weapon and use it effectively, there are options. You can learn the art of fencing, Gatka, or even Nunchaku Do. However, a lot of the weapons used in this style of fighting are considered illegal to use within a street fight and you will have to be prepared for the possible consequences of using them.